Replying to LO23875 --
>My point of view is that most of our motivations are deep
>seated-unconscious so we are not aware often of why we say or
>do things let alone being affected by the system we are born or
>move into.
Dear Gavin and all,
recently I read an article in Harvard Business Manager (the german
compilation of HBR "enriched" with mostly boring 'me too'-articles of
german consultants).
The article asked the reader to 'think limbic' - stating that three, not
more, not less, basic limbic (part of the brain) instructions filter
perception and motivate action: security/balance - power/dominance -
desire/stimulus. They work on an 'get as much as possible' base.
It caught my attention, because it was different to what I have heard of
before: left/right brain, hierarchy of needs, various type
I also discovered, that ethical responsibility and accountability are not
in conflict with those instructions: Each can manifest constructively or
destructively, e.g.
balance-constructive: stabilize through movement
balanve-destructive: rigid persisting in achievements
dominance-constructive: develop ones strengths and cooperate
dominance-destructive: weaken others and compete
stimulus-constructive: integrating impulses
stimulus-destructive: incessant flood of irritations
So I found it interesting and worth to let me stimulated, but I am not a
specialist. What do you think of this extremely simplistic 'think limbic'.
Is this concept scientifically sound or just marketing of an HR
consultant? I would be glad, if you could provide some context.
Thank you and
liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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