Making Sense of Behavior by Bill Powers LO23918

From: Wood, Martin F (
Date: 02/07/00

Replying to LO23875 --

Gavin comments in LO23875:
>Analysis of Dr Harold Shipman's motivations would be of interest. Power
>over life and death, grandiosity, invincibility, plus all the fears that
>go with this, I wonder.

And Edgar Johns asks in LO23886:
>I'm also interested in seeing more about Checkland and Harold Shipman. Got
>a reference?

Before anyone else fruitlessly looks for a reference to academic works,
Harold Shipman is a UK doctor of medicine, recently convicted on 15 counts
of murdering his own patients. It is reported that he could have actually
murdered about 150 of his patients during his career through administering
fatal doses of morphine.

I'd suggest a trawl of the UK newspaper WWW sites or BBC Online for more

Part of the delay in convicting him was the mindset amongst his local
community that "doctors treat patients". A doctor who killed patients was
at such variance with the mindset, that it was (and still is to some)
literally unbelievable.


Martin Wood Industry Division, EDS, Wavendon Tower, Milton Keynes, UK

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