From: Malini Manikam (mmalini@maxis.com.my)
Date: 02/03/00

HI All,

Since E-commerce is being a very heated topic in most countries and so as
our country, Malaysia. I have gone through a lot of article about the
above topic and noticed that its more related to Marketing. I just wonder
how can E-Commerce effect an organisation in the Human Resource aspect. I
have thought about it and I only can relate it to Training and not others.

Can someone advise or provide a suggestion how can E-Commerce related to
Human Resources and how can it effect an organisation. Is there any
website that i can look for details on the above.

Hope to hear from all of you.

Thank you.

Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia.


"Malini Manikam" <mmalini@maxis.com.my>

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