Replying to LO23884 --
On 4 Feb 00, at 11:53, Malini Manikam wrote:
> Since E-commerce is being a very heated topic in most countries and so as
> our country, Malaysia. I have gone through a lot of article about the
> above topic and noticed that its more related to Marketing. I just wonder
> how can E-Commerce effect an organisation in the Human Resource aspect. I
> have thought about it and I only can relate it to Training and not others.
E-commerce only directly affects enterprises where money changes hands,
However, e-communication IS affecting HR in the ways they solicit for
vacancies, receive resumes, communicate with applicants and so on.
E-commerce probably has indirect effects on HR in terms of the skills they
look for, for example, and things like staffing complements. Perhaps it
just is to early to tell?
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