Dear All,
Many of the recent posts on the list seem to be about how to get the list
to work. By "work" I mean how our interacting with each other on the list
can create an organisation that learns and helps us learn.
The most powerful idea that has helped me learn is the principle of
congruence. I understand this to mean that I must "practice what I preach"
in order to understand how what I preach works and to earn the credibility
that goes with it. So, what should I be doing in interacting with this
list (organisation) to help it and me learn?
What follows are my beliefs about this. You may agree with some of them
and will have some of your own. Perhaps this post will provoke some
interesting thoughts.
Learning happens when: -
I am authentic and express what I think and feel.
When I take risks and experience that this is treated with respect.
When I let myself express my rational, emotional and spiritual self.
When I try to understand what other people are saying and relate it to
what I know.
When I connect with you.
When I understand why you are saying what you are saying and you do with
When I give and receive ideas and resources as gifts.
When I receive and give helpful feedback.
When I don't take myself or the list too seriously!
I think that it may be possible to have an even more productive list in
future. I hope that I can become aware of the learning process that is
happening in the whole and how I may or may not be contributing to it. As
in any organisation or family, we are influenced by the whole but we do
shape it by every interaction we have. What sort of list are we creating?
What sort of list do we want?
Best wishes,
Nick Heap
--"Nick Heap" <>
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