I would like to draw your attention to an upcoming program entitled
"Learning Disciplines for an Enlightened Society," to be held by the
Shambhala Institute in Halifax, Nova Scotia, August 5th through 11th.
The program combines three hours training daily in an OL or related
discipline, with meditation instruction and practice, and arts-based
awareness training. The premise is that the contemplative approach offers
natural support and enrichment to OL; while OL is a wonderful practical
expression of contemplative insight and training.
The program is not a conference but an intensive training, limited to 210
participants. Peter Senge, Meg Wheatley, Francisco Varela, Juanita Brown,
and Art Kleiner are among those involved. If this is of interest, please
for more information.
Best to all,
Michael Chender
--Michael Chender <>
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