Replying to LO23987 --
On 16 Feb 00, at 8:46, Steve Finegan wrote:
> Does anyone know of a book or other source which uses a dance metaphor to
> describe relationships among team members in organizations?
I have seen an interesting picture of a dancing couple in one of the
following books:
Espejo, R. and Schwaninger, M. (Eds.) (1993). Organizational
Fitness: Corporate Effectiveness through Management
Cybernetics, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt.
Espejo, R., Schuhmann, W., Schwaninger, M., and Bilello, U.
(1996). Organizational Transformation and Learning: A Cybernetic
Approach to Management, Wiley, Chichester.
Probably the second.
The text describes the role of music and rythm in co-ordinating the
actions of the dancing couple; and also the 'co-ordination of co-
ordination of action', implying the the 'co-ordination of multiple co-
ordination mechanisms'.
Prof. D. P. Dash
Xavier Institute of Management
Bhubaneswar 751013
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--[Host's Note: In assoc with, these links...
Organizational Transformation and Learning : A Cybernetic Approach to Management by Raul Espejo (Editor), Werner Schuhmann, Markus Schwaninger (Contributor), Ubaldo Bilello (Contributor) ... $75
Sorry, no Amazon link for the first book.
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