Replying to LO24042 --
Hi Ragnar,
For ICT support for job descriptions you can choose two ways: a workflow
enabled HRIS, like PWA. This is one of the best products available at this
moment or a workflow/modeling tool. Business Review is the best there is
(modeling can be done with a webnative component).
In the first case a lot of functionality is already there. In the second
case you first have to model the functinality, but if it is just for job
profiles/matching etc. this will not be so hard. Business review is the
cheapest solutionand is the most natural tool for a consultancy agency. I
am using both. Pwa I have redesigned in a flexible benefits factory ( a
very hot issue here in Holland) and I use Business Review to model the HR
I have researched all modeling tools and workflow systems and Business
Review is ( at this moment) the best there is.
Kind regards
Gijs Houtzagers
Principal business consultant HRMIS and employee benefit systems
Ward Cambell International
Steenovenweg 3
5708 HN Helmond
The Netherlands
Tel. 31 492 523 000
Fax 31 492 598 299
Check for white papers on HRM, HRIS and HR instruments and usefull links to other HR sites
--Gijs Houtzagers <>
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