Translating Systems Approach to Family Therapy to Organizations LO24185

From: Roy Benford (
Date: 03/17/00

Replying to LO24164 --


>Any therapeutic approach for an organisation is dysfunctional.
>This suggest that organisational problems are similar to family problems
>which they aren't?

What if it is a family run firm?

>Systems approach means looking at complexity which therapy does not.
>What happened to cognition one of the cornerstones of an organisations
>sensory system.

Cognition? Are you suggesting CBT, cognitive behaviour therapy.

>Not one of the therapeutic models that I know of are of a systems nature.

Try looking at "Family Therapy" by Goldenberg & Goldenberg. It has a good
section on general systems theory.

>Look at Senge's BEER GAME behaviour has often nothing to do with emotional

Well, when I looked at Senge's BEER GAME what I observed was a
manufacturing and distribution system that had delays within it and people
interacting with the system at various stages. In the example I saw,
people were over ordering in the hope of getting some stock, ie they were
experiencing anxiety at low stock levels and orders not being fulfilled,
fear of running out of stock, etc. I regard these as emotional issues,
perhaps, you don't. Incidentally, I went to an e-commerce conference
yesterday and the future of the BEER GAME was being presented replace the
people with computers and XML. That will definitely solve the problem of
emotions within the system but it might just be another philosopher's

Roy Benford
Fulmer, UK


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