Replying to LO24185 --
Was: Translating Systems Approach to Family Therapy to Organizations LO24185
>Incidentally, I went to an e-commerce conference
>yesterday and the future of the BEER GAME was
>being presented replace the people with computers
>and XML. That will definitely solve the problem of
>emotions within the system but it might just be
>another philosopher's stone.
the above was a little bit too brief for me to understand. Are you saying
that by taking computers and 'XML' instead of people, these computers will
start to play their own BEER GAME? I've learnt from the BEER GAME, that
fear built in in a system tends to multiply, if not settled. I think it
depend on the programs run on computers and used to make decisions,
whether they will decide like fearful humans. If so, then these mechanical
clones of human practice will do so in an frighteningly emotionless way.
Did the conference present something like this? Finally, what is a
philosopher's stone?
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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