Replying to LO24207 --
Thanks for continuing the dialogue.
I think there are two different phenomena involved. The first type of
learning involves seeing more implications of something we've learned,
which does not contradict what we've already learned, but gives more
meaning, more richness, more applications, etc. In such a case, learning
something new does not require unlearning. It a "transformation of
incomplete or inaccurate learning to a higher level of complexity."
The second is totally letting go of something we knew to be"the truth," a
fact in the world, and accepting a new "fact" in it's place. This is
unlearning. It can include beliefs about ourselves (I'm not good enough),
people (people can't be trusted), and life (I will never get what I want).
We learned these things early in life. We think and feel that they are
"the truth," a fact, and if you don't agree, you're wrong. These "facts"
can be unlearned, so that we no longer think or feel they are the truth.
This is not a building on or "supplementing" earlier learning, it is
replacing earlier learning with new learning that in some cases is a total
opposite of what we had previously learned.
Regards, Morty
> Although I'm not dead set against the term unlearning, but I prefer to see
> it in transformational terms. You have changed the mental models of the
> "not good enough" in such a way that they now produce "excellence". I
> still prefer to see it as the transformation of incomplete or inaccurate
> learning to a higher level of complexity and consequently conclusion.
> (Notice that I PREFER to see it!!). That, of course, is my background as
> a transformational-generative linguist and my career as a Deming
> disciple!!! I would hate to unlearn Deming on my way to the next level,
> but I sure would like to supplement him....
> "John Zavacki" <>
--"Morty Lefkoe" <>
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