Replying to LO24315 --
I'll give it a try.
"Why employ a person?"
Maybe people, or personalities are what fill otherwise empty vehicles. I
have begun to think that the world has two kinds of employees: hunters or
gatherers; shepherds or farmers, ( or those who inherently give and those
who inherently take, as-both are necessary, in moderation and in equal
portions ).
For survival, the "Learned" Organization will hire and groom both givers
and takers to fill vacant slots provided by time, so that our heads may
play out every game theory, and act out every marketing strategy
Some "winners" often chose not to play farm games and find that being
numbered among the herd a bore (unentertaining), and set off to find
unbeaten paths, that offer both challenge and excitement thus
entertainment. These paths often leave even the slightest trace so that
others so inclined to seek freedom on one hand, can follow, (on the other
hand so as to buttress the their egos by receiving the accolades of
commoners). The more followers, the more prestige. The more prestige, the
more urgent the need discover sustenance from which to nourish and groom
the ego of both inherently giving and inherently taking personalities.
Until finally, a now "unlearned" organization awakens from it's drunken
slumber, growling tummy and all, and sets off, to find a new means for
Hence the ultimate victory lay in the organization of the non obvious and
that which seeks to steal a fire freely provided by the unity of spirit:
The compartmentalization; isolation, division and conquering of
personality - that which often glows right in front of our faces.
So why should bosses employ people? Because bosses either inherently give
or inherently take, and are hired to discern and groom those personalities
which flank an organization and act as the arms and legs of an
organization on the move.
The question I have is: When will our organizations be at peace with
themselves and just sit tight for a while, and let the remainder of the
ordinary folks like myself just come and sit next to 'em, and bask in the
glory of their splendor? Is it possible? Or, are many of our organizations
simply empty tin cans and plastic sporks, having already been divided and
conquered by the starving consumers of personality?
Only when the accolades of onlookers stop,( figurative of what often
occurs due to an educational shift of paradigm) , do the heads of
organizations cease to impulsively act upon the whims of vanity. Maybe if
this happens enough, some organizations may seek to nourish and polish the
true living souls within them, each aching for balance between ownership
and identity, so as to be true to themselves; and to finally be set free
to either inherently give or inherently take in equal portions.
Thank you for your considerations, Very Respectfully,
--"Hill, Jon LTJG" <>
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