Replying to LO24418 --
Replying to Learning IT or Learning Organizations ? LO24418 (better later
than never.)
Igal Voronel wrote:
I am writing a thesis on "Learning & IT in organizations, from a Social
Anthropological perspective".
I have done fieldwork in a few organizations, talked to many people and
have tried to read as many books as possible on the topic. (Not too many
books available, unfortunately).
If you haven't pickup a book entitled "Communities of Practice: Learning,
Meaning, and Identity" by Etienne Wenger(1998) it is worth a look. I'm not
too far into it but seems very thoughtful. Please share what books or
articles you have found useful. I have one more class before I start my
doctoral research in Adult Education.
Tony Barrett
--"Tony Barrett" <>
[Host's Note: In assoc with
Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity by Etienne Wenger
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