Ginkgo biloba A Darkbright Tree of Emergences LO24639

Date: 05/19/00

Dear At de Lange,

I have a new vision this morning; I see a new field, in the new field an
old tree and playing in the branches are differing children all singing.
Here is some learning from me to you...and anyone else who happens to be
listening : - ) in and out.

One hero I have among many is David Bohm. He I feel spoke eloquently for the
'joining up' of science and art, he was an integrative soul. For those who do
not know he was a co-worker/thinker (same thing?) with Einstein and Bohr who
when disillusioned by the 'H' Bomb's devastating destructive value sought to
reflect upon the deep underlying issues of 'fragmentarism' -- if that is a
word at all?
Bohm pointed out that the word 'art' and the word 'fitting' were connected
and so, by such simplicity he posited that truth in science is beautiful
just as art is so.
He thought that somehow beauty ran at least as deep as truth if not deeper.
And that the unconscious attributes gave forms and content to the conscious
mind. The highest expression of this duality for him seemed to reside within
the expression 'true to self'.
I would like to share my learning with you from the Ginkgo tree. It is
reckoned the oldest living species of tree on earth. When it appeared first
giant horsetails and ferns dominated plant life, there were no mammals only
dinosaurs and their precursors the 'thecodants'. Relatives of the Ginkgo
biloba appeared 250-270 million years ago. The ice age caused the extinction
of al but one of the Ginkgo species except the G.biloba. which appears to
have just escaped the rim of the ice in Eastern Asia. Strangely the fossils
found of the ancient forebears look very similar to the living specimens and
for this reason it is sometimes called the 'living fossil'.
Wild populations are believed to have become extinct thousands of years ago
and the tree is believed to have survived because of human intervention owing
to its valuable fruit, its wood and medicinal properties and it is thought
for appreciation of its intrinsic beauty much appreciated by Buddhist monks
who planted it around their temples.
There are many things of amazement to tell you about this tree but the only
thing I want to tell you today is that after the day of August 6th 1945 at
8.15 local time an incredible flash of light and heat was unleashed upon
Hiroshima. There were 66,000 people killed and 69,000 injured immediately.
One tree survived that day to push green shoots into the air. Now that tree
still flourishes at the epicenter.
Among the healing properties attributed to it are as diverse as asthma,
transplant rejection, cerebral insufficiency, shock and stroke.
(Dr. D. Corrigan M.A., Ph.D, F.L.S., F.P.S.I. Trinity College, Dublin)
My questions are these. Bohm states clearly with integrity and authority that
'the essence of human life is art- as a whole movement in which both end and
means are the action of fitting.-' So in the creation of creation which was
more fitting to our lasting, the Bomb or the tree, which healed, which lived,
which gave and which took? Bohm thought that through a kind of art science
may be viewed upside down. The art he expressed as - a movement of fitting
together - is (as) what is universal in nature and culture, both/and.
Einstein taught us along with David Bohm to see the 'field'. In the field
here I see one of David Bohm's dreams come alive in my face; that through and
with '-- common consciousness we then have something new - a new kind of

'Every condition promulges not only itself --- it promulges
What grows after and out of itself,
And the dark hush promulges as much as any.'


~~~~~~~~Andrew Camp/bell<>Anona Brook/field ~~~~~~~~~


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