Resistance to Change LO24640

From: Morty Lefkoe (
Date: 05/19/00

Replying to LO24630 --

I don't want to sound like a broken record, but so many posts state that
people resist change, that resistance is natural -- that I have to speak
up again. This thesis is so taken for granted that it is rarely, if ever
challenged. I challenge it.

People do not resist change. People act consistently with their beliefs.
They think what they do is appropriate, natural, "right." If you want
them to do something inconsistent with their beliefs, they experience what
you want them to do as inappropriate, unnatural, and "wrong." People
don't resist change as such, they resist doing what they think is wrong.

What is the basis for this assertion? My firm has worked with over 1,000
individual clients and over 10,000 employees to help them eliminate the
beliefs that determine their behavior and feelings. When the beliefs are
gone (a process that takes a matter of minutes), a new behavior (change)
becomes natural and effortless. Behavior that was "resisted" before is
exhibited naturally now.

For more details, see earlier posts, my web site (,
or my book, R-create Your Life: Transforming Yourself and Your World.

By the way, most people also "know" that it is difficult or impossible to
quickly and permanently eliminate long-held beliefs. That's the first
belief that needs to be questioned and "unlearned."

Regards, Morty
Morty Lefkoe
For information about the Decision Maker(R) Institute or
Re-create Your Life: Transforming Yourself and Your World
contact: or visit

> > > 2) what stage of change causes the most resistance
> Every stage, resistance is needed for movement, resistance to change (both
> inertia and friction) are natural processes. Only the nature of the stage
> changes also the nature of the resistance. Expect resistance, look for
> resistance, do not fight it. The learning is in the resistance. Most
> people experience a paradox: they want to change what they do not like -
> nobody likes to eat the same meal everyday - but also do not like that
> they know not what they'll get from the change - what will this taste
> like. The best appraoch is to accept.
> > > 3) how do people react to change, what are specific behaviors
> > > related to resisting and supporting change
> In every way: people have preferences and all will react to change in
> their most natural way: some will reflect, others will object, some will
> feel bad, sad, distrusted, others will suggest better and new ideas or
> promote Not Invented Here. Choose the best way to use this resistance.

> Jan Lelie


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