At's and Sajeela's Ways of Learning LO24708

From: conrad braun (
Date: 05/30/00

Replying to LO24702 --

Dear At and Sajeela et al: The way that Sajeela made some of her points
in this communication appears to be following the guidelines for authentic
communication/dialogue that coincides with the work of Scott Peck and the
Foundation for Community Encouragement. David Bohm, and other
contributors to literature on communication in small groups also pay
attention to language use and application in similar ways. In general,
active listening without adding or subtracting from the contributor's
'gift' is recommended. Inviting, rather than imposing, instructing or
commanding whether intended or not is also recommended (this goes to power
and control issues that might exist for someone subconsciously or from
some cultural source). Speaking from the heart 'I . . .', when there is a
personal experience being communicated and doing so inclusive of the
feeling level as well as the thinking level (and distinguishing the two)
can help in expanding the opportunity for shared meaning to grow. For
other points, I suggest contacting FCE ,and
reading Peck's works on community building. Most bookstores in the U.S.
and Canada have such titles available as The Different Drum and A World
Waiting to be Born. I have experienced considerable struggle with growth
in this area, but each step has been a tremendous joy for me- and I
anticipate further progress- having the assistance of others with whom I
have journeyed has been difficult to accept at times- but again well worth
the effort. Yours in learning community building- Conrad Braun.


"conrad braun" <>

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