Resistance to Change LO24709

From: Shah, Selina (
Date: 05/30/00

Replying to LO24698 --

First time contributor so I approach this with a bit of trepidiation.

Resistance to Learning

I suffer from resistance and love of learning. The benefits of learning
are liberation from karma. Resistance brings suffering. Only problem is we
have to approach the areas that make us feel pain to go through the

Relief, it is not a viscious circle. Tthe grear teachers say - if we face
what we fear (eg the fear of suffering) then the suffering disapears.

Communities of Learning

Simple premise - stages of learning: dependent, independent,
Dependent: a teacher is needed
Independent: can learn on own
Interdependent: learn with/from interaction with others (this can be
people, nature, our environment, things eg a burnt piece of toast...) So
anyway Communities of Learning sound a bit like interdependent learning...
(so it may be worth touching base with the source of these thoughts - an
academic who's material I can quote/reference if you are interested and
who is more sophisticated in his analysis than examples about toast!)

kind regards,

[Host's note: Welcome, Selina! Thanks for your contribution! ..Rick]


"Shah, Selina" <>

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