Eye-whiteness LO24754

From: Leo Minnigh (l.d.minnigh@library.tudelft.nl)
Date: 06/05/00

Dear (I mean it in the best sense) LO'ers,

What is so intriguing about Mona Lisa? Is the faint smile around her lips
the attractivity? So much words have been spend about this smile. Is it
possibly the imaginative background that put her in the foreground? Or
are the eyes the intriguing part of the portrait? Eyes which seem to look
just next to you.

Eyes do speak a purer language than the mouth (unfortunately mystified in
an e-mail environment).

As At de Lange wrote:
"My greatest frustration on this list in cyberspace is that I cannot
observe the flickers in the eyes of a fellow learner. My greatest
frustration in airspace is that too many learners have shut off the
flickers in their eyes so as to commence with rote learning."

Some persons may close their eyes for letting their imagination grow or
keeping their imagination vivid. Behind the retina's is another world, a
very rich world. There are moments that one likes to keep this world
private, the personal dreams where no intruders are allowed. So close your
eyes and dream in private.

Some persons may blinker, alowing others to get a serie of snapshots from
their dreams. Eyes as the gateways to the soul, the heart and the dreams.
Please, be never picky if invited in this gateway.

Some people do not blink, but open themselves for a full and continuous
view to their soul, heart and dreams. The eyelids don't close anymore. The
eyes are open. But is the gateway open?

Mona Lisa is dreaming. Her eyes are open and they invite you to her heart.
Please be polite. Please don't be be curious for her dreams, don't try to
intrude her dreams, but be a companion of her dreams.
Why is Mona Lisa dreaming, why is the gateway open?

Because she doesn't look at you. She is not interested in your dreams. No,
she has open eyes, but she doesn't look at you and your dreams, she looks
to her own dreams. Is that not strange - open eyes and not seeing the
outside world? You know it, because if you dream with open eyes, you too
don't see the outside world. It is the typical staring attitude of eyes
that not look. It is as if an invisable eyelid is closed. Invisible and
permeable, because you may enter the interiors of the owner.

Human beings are the only animals wich show eyewhite. All other animals
have an iris that is precisely the shape of the eye opening. Humans have
different eyes. Eyewhite makes you vulnerable. In the dark, eyewhite is
extremely visible and you easily become a prey. Not so healthy in nature,
particularly if you are tasty.
Eyewhite makes you also vulnerable in another sense.
Eyewhite is the gateway to your soul, heart and dreams. That is why Mona
Lisa invites us and shares with us her soul, heart and dreams. And the
faint smile around her mouth, is because she enjoys our polite company
inside her. Sharing feelings, makes the feelings richer.

Shy persons, hardly dare to look at you. They are afraid to enter your
gateway. Instead of that, these shy persons look aside. By doing this, it
are they who show their eyewhite and invite YOU inside. Please, be nice
and discreet.

The contrary is thus also valid: looking straight to someone, means "I
want to join your dreams, this is not (yet) the moment that you are
invited to share my dreams."
My eyes flicker, I look straight, I stare, and I look aside, sometimes I
close my eyes. I open my gateways for you, but please, be not picky. My
dreams are rich and I am keen to enrich them with your dreams.

Viva the vivid eyes with the shining eyewhite. If you like to join me in
my dreams, you will look through the form to see the world of content, the

dr. Leo D. Minnigh
Library Technical University Delft
PO BOX 98, 2600 MG Delft, The Netherlands
Tel.: 31 15 2782226
        Let your thoughts meander towards a sea of ideas.


Leo Minnigh <l.d.minnigh@library.tudelft.nl>

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