Systemic Die-off LO24767

From: Stan Schellenburg (
Date: 06/06/00

RE Our LO Dialogue Here LO24759

Rick wrote:

>2. The balance of our conversation has shifted too far away from the

It seems to me Andrew and At have been pointing us to a practical insight
==> i.e., we must get away from "business as usual." Theory of entropy
production yields other practical insights. From my perspective,
particularly if you work for growth oriented companies, learning applied
to enhance growth is a classic fix that fails us all.

We face three swords of peril resulting from our predilictions and
addictions to growth: "energy crisis," "war," and impacts due to
dissipation in forms of "pollution." The likely result? Systemic dieoff.
It's happening in the world around you.

Best wishes,

Stan Schellenburg


"Stan Schellenburg" <>

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