Replying to LO24730 --
Here is a link for a site with 'Resources for Moderators and Facilitators
of Online Discussions'.
This is a big issue in my organization right now - trying to make on-line
fora work for learning communities and distance learning courses. We are
not finding it easy, in part due to access and technology problems in many
of our offices around the world. (It is still two cigarettes worth of time
to download a page on the Net in some places - although at least now just
about everyone has access even in the most far-flung places.) We are
still in the early stages and I am also trying to find good resources to
help our e-facilitators.
Lynda Mansson
WWF International
Avenue du Mont Blanc
1196 Gland
Tel: ++41 22 364 9535
Fax: ++41 22 364 0456
--"Lynda Mansson" <>
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