Replying to LO24759 --
Dear Rick
I applaud your intervention here. And it seems to me you are showing true
leadership too. I had begun to lose interest in this list because it
failed to meet my needs as a person trying to understand the
organisational world and bring about real improvements in people's working
In the past this list has been a source of inspiration but recently it has
left me feeling confused and lost in complexity. I recall when I first
started in business the help that I received from other members of this
list in dealing with a problem regarding the time delay between my actions
to get my business going and the responses of (a few) customers. I am
still extremely grateful for the kind words of encouragement I received
and especially for the 'agricultural' and truly down to earth systems
related analogies.
It would go against the grain for me to be critical of other more learned
contributors and I appreciate the opportunity to once again make a [small]
Best wishes and many thanks.
Peter H. Jones
Peopletronics Limited
Tel. 64 4 569 8875, Fax: 64 4 569 8881
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