Replying to LO24757 --
>>I am deliberately speaking in riddles here, hoping that WD will come to
>>your aid.
>I won't object to read WD as well, but I happen to like your elegant
>phrasing, moreover, I can see all this fractalized (independent on scale)
>and find it again and again fascinating.
Dear At and Judy,
I shouldn't write on integrity or anything else on demand, should I?
Thinking for a few minutes about your hope, I realized that I have nothing
to say but repeating some rote learning on the subject. I realized this
realization as an authentic moment and smiled. In order to make my
authentic learning on the subject fruitful for me or anybody else, I need
to wait for a fruchtbare Moment, as you, At, used to say. So I was simply
curious to see whether Judy may pick up the ball.
You can be assured that I am really happy that I kept silent. Hmm - may be
not silent enough, for I wrote these lines, but I wanted to let you know
and cannot show you the flickers in my eye.
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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