Non Prophet in his Town LO24757

From: Judy Tal (
Date: 06/05/00

Replying to LO24741 --

Greetings At,

Thank you for reflecting on my doubts. It's a kind of support I
acknowledge and appreciate.

you wrote:
>My heart ache with you. May I suggest that you explore how believing

Thank you again. Is this something new, unusual? This MU-ing (on
motorcycles), this RE-ing (ala Jan), all the sense and the non-sense we
ask ourselves here all the time?

And this is how it goes just because no matter how brilliant the theory -
we apply it on people.
... just as you said:

>I tend to focus on prophecies connecting to the order higher than that of
>believing -- the others sometimes stress me too much.

... want to say rational? scientific? I am with you, colleague ;-) - but
then see what happens: people become even more frustrated at their
working-places (yes, I know, they don't want to change!). Now don't
mistake me with Mother Teresa, not even close - I just ask and ask and ask
because so far I couldn't find any better practice with those failures I
perform here and there in my working environment. And also, to receive
empathy and reflections from co-learners ;-).

>That is why the authentic prophet has to live or to die by his prophecy.
>In ancient times the prophet had to be stoned when the prophecy actually
>proved to become false.

Now you arrived to the "test" I suggested - prophets live and die by their
prophecies - it's the least they can do ;-D. At least, I try.
... and so you:

>If it may be of worth to you, I have found that authentic prophets never
>stop questioning, just as authentic kings never stop commanding and
>authentic priests never stop stating. Should each of us not become
>prophet, priest and king? What about kids, are they not born like that?

Are they not?

>Allow me to help your answering by asking some question or three:
>Who of prophets, priests or kings, in the ancient days, did keep up
>schools most?

Well I have some in my mind: Pythagoras, Plato, ... Let's go back to King

>Did their schooling had any effect on their organisation?

Sure, and in different ways - correlated with the founder.

>Perhaps the wholeness of a prophet and his organisation is part of the
>integrity which you refer to. When we break the monadicity in the
>wholeness, the integrity breaks too. This why we need the associativity in
>the wholeness so as to seek the sureness of the integrity of the prophecy.
>I am deliberately speaking in riddles here, hoping that WD will come to
>your aid.

I won't object to read WD as well, but I happen to like your elegant
phrasing, moreover, I can see all this fractalized (independent on scale)
and find it again and again fascinating.

Peace to All,

Dr. Judy R. Tal
LCL-Learning Cycles (1999)
+972 3 6997903
+972 54 666294


Judy Tal <>

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