Replying to LO24759 --
You sensed that I wished to unsubscribe because of the quality of thinking
in this dialogue. You are correct. This list does not appear to be an
inquiry at all, and certainly not in the fashion of dialogue as being
created by Bohm, Senge, Isaacs, and other leaders. For one thing, "cross
talk" and advice giving seem to be a regular part of this dialogue. And
second, as you certainly have noticed yourself, there is no fruitful
silence. Third, participants are thinking on their feet, or on their
machines and not presenting a thought. Since I was not in on the
beginnings of this list, I don't know it's original purpose or vision.
You are indeed riding a dragon, and I appreciate your present attempt to
act as facilitator for this dialogue. A changing system is fascinating.
I will wait a bit before I bug out, out of respect for the system and for
your facilitation. If this is meant to be a dialogue, might it be a time
for a concise description of the meaning of dialogue?
Thanks for the note.
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