On becoming a CLO LO24786

From: Mark Feenstra (mark@strategiclearning.co.nz)
Date: 06/06/00

I'm in the process of inventing myself as a Chief Learning Officer in a
start up e-commerce business after having spent the last 10 years as an
external consultant focusing on team and organizational learning. I felt
really excited about the possibilities inherent in this role before
deciding to accept it, but as I get further into it I am now feeling a
little daunted along with the excitement.

What I would appreciate experimenting with via this list is the
opportunity to establish a dialogue with other people who are in similar
enough circumstances to myself to share some theories and practices
together. To begin with I'm keen to share such things as job descriptions,
with a particular focus on evaluation criteria. How does assess value
creation for this type of role in a small business?

I'm also very aware that I have fluctuating amounts of time available to
put into such a conversation, and would appreciate any suggestions as to
how to proceed given this constraint. I suppose what I am pointing to is
the dynamic balance between contributing and receiving in a kind of peer
partnership where we each have some commitment to being actively involved
in both aspects.

Is anyone interested in participating in such a conversation either here
or elsewhere?

Warm regards


Mark Feenstra
PO Box 99 193
Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand
Ph. 64 9 307 3770
Fax 64 9 307 3740

[Host's Note: Thanks, Mark, for this inquiry! ..Rick]


"Mark Feenstra" <mark@strategiclearning.co.nz>

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