Replying to LO24786 --
Greeting from Malaysia
Mark Feenstra wrote:
>What I would appreciate experimenting with via this list is the
>opportunity to establish a dialogue with other people who are in similar
>enough circumstances to myself to share some theories and practices
>together. To begin with I'm keen to share such things as job
>descriptions, with a particular focus on evaluation criteria. How does
>assess value creation for this type of role in a small business?
I am thinking in similar light in establising "Learning Partners" whereby
each partner having his or her own personal vision to pursue, able to
share and engage in dialogue with another, thereby each can listen in a
more sensitive way his or her own inner voices. With such experience, I
will like to code the experience in a practical framework and guides for
those interested to be engaged in Learning.
I define "Learning" as
Shift in Mental Models from an experience, resulting in new thoughts and
leading to new behavior (that "I" personally can take action in order to
create something in the new direction)
as per
Maybe we could try out this experimentation
--"Andrew Wong" <>
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