Replying to LO24787 --
Greeting from Malaysia
Claire Hilscher wrote:
> The job
>description project will start in mid-July. And of the three, it is the
>one I am struggling with the most. The job descriptions will be the
>first "human resource" documents to ever exist at this company. There
>are about 50 employees (over a wide geographical area), but to date the
>company has functioned with no HR policies, performance management etc.
IMHO, the above project is a great opportunity for LO implementation. It
has the advantage of "non-existence of typical large corporation heavy
documentation syndrom with policies, procedures, job descriptions etc.)
Furthermore I get an empresion that yours is a small organisation.
I would recomend the followings:
1) Start using Systems Thinking and map out the key business systems
components whereby personnels are involved in daily tasks with clarity of
purpose, objectives and strategies. Design, review (if in existence) and
re-craft, in clear simplicity the policies and strategies for the business
performance ...
2) Engage stakeholders to comment and critiques the above, with good
facilitation to draw out their thinkings, Mental Models and engage them
into Team Learning and Shared Visions (at least in conversation in a
session or two). These will provide data for Job Description.
3) Implement the Job description and arrange regular dialogue to check the
compliance / non-compliance, review and improve ....
The above is stated in a simplistic steps .. we could engage in further
I have similar case with a supermarket company with lessons learned coded
in Knowledge Objects, which are in the process to be uploaded to my
Internet knowledgebase
--"Andrew Wong" <>
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