Knowledge Loss Due to Changing IT LO24823

From: Andrew Wong (andrewwhs@HOTMAIL.COM)
Date: 06/10/00

Replying to LO24799 --

Greeting from Malaysia

Shalini wrote:

>I am an MBA student who is doing a project on Knowledge Loss in
>organisations, due to changing technologies in IT. Though there seems to
>be much discussion on knowledge loss as a result of downsizing, I have
>not been able to find much on knowledge loss as a result of the changes
>in technology in IT (assuming organisations already use some IT
>technology). I would be very grateful, if anyone has any views/
>information on this matter, to share.

There are many aspects of knowledge loss due to use of IT and changing
technologies in IT.

Which aspects are you interested in?




"Andrew Wong" <>

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