Dear Fellow Learners,
A Call for Masters
I would very much appreciate a dialogue, exchange, lecture, tutorial, or
any form of considered helpful and supportive expression being directed
toward me on the topic of -- 'how silence contributes toward increased
dialogue in the written domain'. I accept that absence from the domain is
tacitly/explicity understood as an expression of one's 'preferred silence
mode' as part of the manner of a more complete communication style. I
would prefer to receive this from someone who is currently, confidently
and subtly if possible practised in this long tradition.
By way of symbiotic relationship I will offer if desired, an equivalent
proportion of materials and time even up to personal coaching at a
distance of how it might work in the arenas of 'visual art expression' ...
though for a picture in a visualisable 'dance mode', Ray Harrel Evan's
account of 'remaining still on the floor for hours and days' to discover
his dance is a good equivalent to the level of 'personal mastery' I seek
guidance in here in this medium we 'apparently' (virtually) share;-)
Many thanks in patient and hopeful anticipation.
I will of course keep the LO posted as to how I progress.
(Current tutors, coaches, dialoguers on digest and off need not apply;-) I
am trying to make new friends at the moment...)
Andrew Campbell
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