Dear Fellow Learners,
[Host's Note: Full subject line was too long, "The 'art co-efficient' of
Marcel Duchamp and the 'creative-tension' of Senge." ..Rick]
I don't know as I write this if anyone will want to split some
metaphorical hairs with me about the connectivity of the terms chance and
chaos or complexity. I use the term here in the sense I understand it when
I, if I, purchase a ticket in a lottery. I would like to ask --, If it
could be fruitfully understood that 'chance' opens possibilities for
untold human constructive creativity, can anyone else contributing here
think of constructive connections? I give my own example much written of
as the string noise --- data --- infomation ---- knowledge ---- products
realising that my use of string might be technically deficient in some
An aside then....when Rick Parkenay implied that his un "e''d ter,
"semiotics" which was then given the different interpretation afforded by
that connection of an "e" *transmogrified* his understanding, I thought
first to hope it would not be a painful operation (I am smiling Rick) and
second to sit longer with the unfoldings. By way of a kind of
"experienment" (Hybrid term to imply warmer personal experience joining
more a cooler scientific experiment --*provenance ((and thanks)) Dr. Judy
* ---so many muses to inspire me on this list ;-) I rang up the
Dictionaries department at Oxford University Press, spoke to a charming
lady there who, when I inquired/enquired had no idea what I was talking
about, she consulted her materials... I was feeling definitely downward
Rick I was getting nothing to add to the stew. Then she wandered off,
funny noises down the phone line and she quite literally shouted "Ahaaa!"
~~ STRANGE BUT TRUE ~~ and manifested "-- It's Greek, from the Greek go to
XXXX" (Not kisses) Not having more than 'one' dictionary and that being
twenty years old ( so Rick when you have finished with some of yours I'd
be delighted ....) I had to wait awhile but it said this..." Se/mele (gk
myth.) Daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia and mother, by Zeus, of Dionysus;
she entreated Zeus to come to her in his full majesty and was destroyed by
his light-ening" ~~ e l e c t r i c i t y ~~.
Now I don't know how much any of us can ascribe to this sharing of a small
meandering through an offered "e" but if anyone cared to back read just a
few posts in that thread and consider the events of recent times I happen
to suppose the 'chance' of that has synchronous (acausal) value for me and
maybe, just maybe 'something came from nothing' which is the groundless
ground of ~~a l c h e m y~~ or something from nothing or in my extensions
of creative thought on 'musica humanis' from confusing 'white noise'
around. Ground of meaning?
Since I interposed myself into a post between At de Lange and Rick
Parkenay I strung myself out like the erstwhile elastic band of Peter
Senge's notion of 'creative tension'. Anyone interested enough to find
any meaning in the thread as I may have unfolded it is more than welcome
to reply to me on list, especially if they think that there might be
commercial or competative advantage for those they serve through the
increase of the positive actualisation of 'creative tension', from the
Milky Way (both kinds;-) to the Endarkenment ( *inspired by Dr. Sajeela*)
of light to increase both pesonal and collective illumination to the
benefit of all...we shall probably have to wait and see as the good *Mr*
say's it.
Finally, because the study of wider cultural 'creative tension',
'semiotics' and 'alchemy' are fast becoming of interest in the realms of
human imaginational development and productivity and because it has been a
study of various theses of mine in various guises for some twenty five
years or more I am hoping to soon write an exploratory post no
longer/shorter than this one on the connections between Fine Art (
Dada/Duchampian) and Gregory Bateson prompted by a seminar given by Marcel
Duchamp (wierd self labeled *mere artist* for the ocasion) in 1957, other
attendees were William C. Seitze of Princeton University, and Rudolf
Arnheim of Sarah Lawrence College.
Absolutely finally;-) I offer a fragment of the best of my
lifelonglearning for Rick Parkenay, Rick Karash and At de Lange in the
pompous way that artists are generally allowed to 'dedicate' bits of
information to others;-), it's a quote from Duchamp's talk, " All in all,
the creative act is not performed by the artist alone; the specator brings
the work in contact with the external world by deciphering and
interpreting its inner qualifications and thus adds by his contribution to
the creative act. This becomes even more obvious when posterity gives its
final verdict and sometime rehabilitates forgotten artists."
Best in learning,
Andrew Campbell.
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