Developing Strategic Organizational Learning Plan LO24806

From: Hannah C Lee (
Date: 06/09/00

Dear all,

I am new to the Learning Organization listserv.

I am doing a research on best practices in developing strategic
organizational learning plan, especially for organizations with multiple
operations, businesses, functional, or geographic units. I am
particularly interested in the following topics:

 - how the strategic learning plan is done (i.e. the strategic planning

 - how to address common and unique learning needs from different units or
operations across the organization.

 - what elements are included in the strategic learning plan.

Can anyone provide me any reference such as articles, books, web sites,
case studies, etc.? Who are the experts in this area? Which are "best
practice" organizations?

Thanks for your help. Depending on the amount of response received, I may
post a summary back to the Listserv.




"Hannah C Lee" <>

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