Replying to LO24758 --
Dear Rick and readers,
I want more of the same. Reading, reflecting and learning, and a sense of
sharing, here are a pleasure and inspiration for me. My only regret is not
being 'able' to return the favour with written contributions that meet the
desires of all. I too have many questions, particularly as I have not
experienced the successes alluded to. Invariably they end up being asked.
But for some reason I am not disappointed if they are not answered here.
Although I read all posts it is those of Andrew, At etc, that please me
Bob Bryx
Mail: 1 Beresford St. Caulfield Nth. Victoria, 3161, Australia.
Phone: 61 3 9525 9707 Facsimile: 61 3 9525 9727
Web: <>
[Host's Note: Bobby, thanks for writing. ..Rick]
--"Bobby Bryx" <>
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