Baxbe ~~~ Spirit that flows around the world. LO24811

Date: 06/08/00

Replying to LO24766 --

A composite reply of a few paragraphs.
 --- Start quote -- Ray wrote ---
 Each person has a role, grazer, lurker, expounder, coyote etc. and each
 role is a necessary part of a dialogue. It is my experience that any of
 these can be called forth, often embarrassingly so, by the needs of a
 discussion. Why for example is there a need to change At or Andrew? Is
 there a limited amount of time and space? Is there not a need for theory
 and the holistic expression of the artist as well as practical solving of
 problems in a practice situation in open forum?
 I often find that I am better at answering than initiating. In the
 jargon, I am more reactive than proactive on my two favorite lists. I
 sometimes get irritated that people do not entertain me and bring forth my
 best answers. Well, my teacher once told me not to move until my body
 told me the dance. I lay on the floor for six weeks five hours a day. I
 finally got it and I danced my own life rather than another's. It was
 inside all the time but I didn't know how to listen.
 --- end quote ---

Dear Ray, ( and Fred Nickols) and all Learners

Bravo! All over the world your pioneering voice is coming alive,
progressive and progressing companies are now 'waking up' to the messages
you have offered here and no doubt elsewhere, your last phrase - ' It was
inside all the time but I didn't know how to listen' a poweful arising
"Baxbe" opens the impregnated 'flying mind' of that 'slug' like butterfly.
He shall have another metamorphosis. I have seen him, the butterfly on the
shields of your people and I want to ask you something powerful as befits
the "Baxbe" as Celt spirit to an original North American spirit -- Do you
and your 'associates' dream of the inner cities or the outer prairies when
you close the day's work;-) ????

In another posting in this thread Fred Nickols very courageously chooses
to point to a part of me that points to a very deep part of him. Bravo!
Fred. Fred, at the risk of censure for nameing another blo**** Greek I
think it was old Plato who muttered something along the lines that, '- it
is not the unleashing of the dark in people that they fear in themselves
so much as the light.' I think those very wise words in our age of
information and confusion of all kinds. And of course one thinks of Jung's
insightful self driven story of walking with his shadow attending, like
some fearful heaven knows what only to discover it was only himself as a
'virtual distance' so to speak;-) I have been working for some time now in
the release of people's light aka genius (Einstein's formulation...;-) and
if you want light from darkness then you write to me off line my friend
and I will light a virtual cosmos for you from the tallow that you feel
and I will do it from afar, and so when it is all done to your
satisfaction you might say..." Humphhh, I did it all myself.."
Confucianism ;-)

Also I want to point up what for me was completely uncontentious and seems
for you also (?) the notion that it is natural for an authentic learner as
you described yourself 'becoming/being' would have 1/ a teacher 2/ a 'self
telling self' to appreciate the 'telling' aspect of learning from a
teacher which points to a kind of 'dual authenticity' for me in the
teacher/guide, learner/lost relationship and 3/ the willingness to
undergo/endure long pain (?) with no certain predetermined outcome. And
that this results in such an acutely authentic voice as yours speaks

Did you know Ray that in the Japanese pictorial sign system there is a
form rather like an inverted wishbone shape made from willow twigs, one
longer than the other, both leaning in like da Vinci's metaphor of the
arch of many parts, which is a symbol for both learning, monastery and the
teacher pupil relationship. It also looks very much like a 'tippee' with
smoke ascending.

Thank you both for you 'joint wisdom'.


Andrew Campbell

PS. I did think to write and express herein links to the rich and dense
culture and learnings to be taken from 'Baxbe' and other emblems of Native
American learning -- but I think perhaps it is one to 'save' for the new
domain being created so that we might append some other kinds of visions


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