A Question of National Business Culture? LO24862

From: Roy Benford (roy@benford.demon.co.uk)
Date: 06/14/00

Dear LO's

I would like to take advantage of the international nature of this list
and pose a question. Ian Saunders posted the following questions in the
"Please say what you want thread".

>Q. "How to overcome resistance from sponsors, champions and clients -
>before you really even start?"
>Q. "How to get clients to understand the importance of the people 'stuff'
>in change programmes?"
>Q. "Why are senior managers so willing to spend millions on technology and
>very little on the people who have to make it work?"

Are Ian's questions related to the global situation or are they related to
the UK business climate (culture). Personally being UK based, I can
identify with the questions but I would like to hear whether the same is
true in other countries.

Roy Benford
Fulmer, UK

In my more cynical moments, I have pictured British business as replaying
the Great War. The generals (managers) being interested in more and better
weapons (technology) and the soldiers (employees) being just cannon fodder.
Interestingly, this metaphor places the marketplace in the role of the enemy
to be conquered.


"Roy Benford" <roy@benford.demon.co.uk>

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