replying to: A Question of National Business Culture? LO24862
here is a report from Holland on Roy's request.
>>Q. "How to overcome resistance from sponsors, champions and clients -
>>before you really even start?"
One remark on the above question: It is for me not a given fact that
sponsors, champions and clients have to overcome resistance, it is merely
that I often experience doubts about the expected results. If there is
resistance they are not really sponsors, champions and clients (yet).
>> Q. "How to get clients to understand the importance of the people
>> 'stuff' in change programmes?"
>> Q. "Why are senior managers so willing to spend millions on technology
>> and very little on the people who have to make it work?"
> Are Ian's questions related to the global situation or are they related
> to the UK business climate (culture). Personally being UK based, I can
> identify with the questions but I would like to hear whether the same
> is true in other countries.
I absolutely recognize these questions in my practice, but I see them as a
part of my professionality to dialogue. Occasionally I ask these questions
(slightly different formulated) explicitely to seniors.
Winfried Deijmann
-- Mr. Winfried M. Deijmann - Zutphen - The Netherlands Artist, Consultant and Facilitator for Organizational Learning, Leadership and Action Learning Events <> Phone + Fax: +31-(0)575-522076 personal websites: International: <> Dutch:<>Corporate website: HORIZONGROEP - BUNNIK - HOLLAND: <> corporate email: <>
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