Our LO Dialogue Here LO24872

From: LonBadgett@aol.com
Date: 06/14/00

Replying to LO24791 --

I must admit I like the format of your post. The summary enticed me to
read a long post that would otherwise have seemed condescending and
concentrate on your thoughts - which I found both interesting and
memorable although a bit cryptic on first reading.

Yes, perhaps we should suffer fools gladly, hoping that they are not fools
but gurus in disguise. I just believe that there are far more genuine
gurus than worthwhile fools.

>A case history. Direct response to Lon's experience of a woman exhibiting
>symptomatic distress in an organisationally loosely coupled scenario.
>Tonal harmony throughout is perhaps darkly rich with a smattering of
>sardonic humour that might just pass as wit.


Lon Badgett lonbadgett@aol.com

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