Replying to LO24880 --
Dan repeats an other's question on dialogue:
> "Anonymous" made some comments recently and, among other
> things, wrote:
> >If this is meant to be a dialogue, might it be a time for a concise
> >description of the meaning of dialogue?
A Snip of large proportions
> I thought it easily might be possible that some of these things would
> emerge in dialogue with "Anonymous," but I wasn't wedded to
> that outcome.
> Any thoughts?
I don't know if I have any thoughts on the original child question, but I
do want to talk about dialogue....
One of the most satisfying things about dialogue for me, is the sense that
it's happening. When a conversation or an argument turns the corner to
becoming a true (or shall I say authentic) learning experience in which
there is group participation resulting in synergy and an altered state of
consciousness resulting in a lack of defensive reasoning and a resultant
win-win attitude towards the learning process, I think you might have a
dialogue going on.
Pontification is not dialogue. Sophistry MAY be dialogue. Withdrawal from
engagement could be dialogue. Sitting zazen is not dialogue but it is
John F. Zavacki
OR (depending on my location in the space time continuum)
--"John Zavacki" <>
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