What is Dialogue LO24897

From: Bill Braun (medprac@hlthsys.com)
Date: 06/16/00

Replying to LO24880 --

>> I'm interested. Want to give it a try? I wonder, can you do it first
>>in your own words without resorting to the "authority" of a dictionary
>>or some other source?

Dialogue means (to me) waiting for an invitation to speak or for an open
inquiry seeking a response. Disscussion means taking the inititative to
speak, uninvited, for the purpose of arguing or advancing one's view on an
issue or topic.

If everyone waits for an invitation to contribute, the list would be
filled with questions. Answers would always end with more questions.
Exchanges would constantly expand. We'd be seeking the broadest or largest
view of what interests us, not the best view or the view with the greatest

Bill Braun


Bill Braun <medprac@hlthsys.com>

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