Replying to LO24898 --
>Notwithstanding, the insights from the SD model, to me, are stunning,
>revealing deep root dynamics, insights that are hard for me to imagine
>achieveable without conceiving them as rates and levels.
Me too. You comment on SD is a very popular thought among practitioners.
And, as I regard myself as one of the ST's practitioner, I think we also
need the reflection on SD and ST. I definitely agree with you that SD can
explore our mental model very effectively, as mental model is USUALLY the
leverage, the cheapest and also the most difficult one.
>Not my experience. On the contrary, SD is effective in revealing mental
>models. Sterman (more MIT) speaks to this, very convincingly in my
>opinion. Revealing mental models IS the leverage (the "lower" loop in
>double loop learning).
However, it is not very effective to teach others to have the technique to
do the exploration. So I am asking the way to do it more effectively. And
at the mean time, I found TOC is one of the approaches, it is exactly the
method we need to check on our mental model. And if you are not familiar
with TOC, may I ask for your practice?
Joey Chan
--Joey Chan <>
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