Replying to LO24905 --
>Now picture that before "Manufacturing Excellence" there has been TQM,
>LFIF, LOC GLP .......and you have all been through this before? (no magic
>bullet is there)
Dear Dennis,
thank you very much for adding personal experience to my writing. Learning
must not be forced from the outside but must grow from the inside (I can
only hope that everybody who read this sentence does apply it's meaning to
the sentence - feedback :-) ). This is also why I was reluctant with
respect to search for best practice. What will you find? May be
manufacturing excellence, may be TQM or some of the other. Will it help?
You said it.
When I started to explain about TOC to our CEO, he showed much of his
wisdom. He said to me: 'Don't try to explain it to others and expect them
to do it. If you are conviced, fine, are you willing to commit to it?' I
hear it as a 'Let the people practice their authentic learning. Feel free
to practice yours.'
Are you sure that there is no 'magic bullet', only because you haven't
found it yet? I would agree to 'no magic bullet is OUT there'.
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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