Continuing the thread from LO24875
At 12:56 PM 6/12/00 -0700, Claire Hilsher wrote:
>Also, I would appreciate your opinion about which task to tackle
>first: the job descriptions, or the overarching HR policies (I
>have contracted to do both before the end of October).
Let me offer a theory to see whether if helps here. Let's pretend you are
a market-driven organization, in reality, not just in claims: you truly
exist in order to serve the marketplace.
It seems then that you must determine what market you wish to satisfy.
Then you must determine what strategy to use to achieve that satisfaction.
Then you must determine what you capabilities you need in order to
accomplish the strategy. Then you must create an organization (systems
and structures and governance) to enable that delivery. Then you must
recruit people and create appropriate work groups. At this point, you
should have capable performers who can help their customers where the
rubber meets the road. (And then you will have satisfied customers which
enables you to refine your strategy, and go around once again.)
Let's pretend instead you are a capabilities-driven organization: you
know what you do best, and you need to find a marketplace to sell that
product/service. It seems to me that it's the same cycle as above just
starting at a different point. Capabilities to organization to people and
groups to market to strategy and so on.
In my mind, the question about job descriptions versus HR polices is just
the same thing: you can start with either, depending on which is more
important and will drive the other. If your job descriptions are really
fundamental, then you need to create HR policies with -that- in mind. If
the policies are really fundamental, then you need to create job
descriptions with -that- in mind. The critical element is that they
reflect a common understanding of the world, that they present a coherent
picture. If they don't, then you open the door to claims of unkept
promises and cynicism will inevitably follow.
Michael A
- Michael Ayers
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