Replying to LO24845 --
At 12:56 PM 6/12/00 -0700, Claire Hilsher wrote:
>Also, I would appreciate your opinion about which task to tackle first:
>the job descriptions, or the overarching HR policies (I have contracted to
>do both before the end of October).
Claire, I don't have a strong opinion about this, although others might.
If asked for a preference, I would start with the policies (including a
clear statement of their importance from the senior leadership), and try
to delay the descriptions. The reason: you have an opportunity here to
use contemporary approaches to those descriptions based on competency
models, and I would urge you to explore this possibility before you start
enshrining static positions descriptions in language that you might later
want to undo! If you can do some competency modeling, you'll be better
able to identify what kinds of learning and development will best support
both the organization and the individual contributors.
anyone else have thoughts on this?
--Malcolm Burson
"I never saw an instance of one or two disputants convincing the other by argument." --- Th. Jefferson
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