Intro -- Mike Richard LO24874

From: Jan Lelie (
Date: 06/14/00

Replying to LO24858 --

Hello Mike,


I have no articles to share, just a thought: perhaps it has to do with the
reasons for hiring temporary staff: is it a shifting of the burden? Is it
a growth cycle? Is it bust and boom? Is it a tragedy of the commons?

Kind regrads,

Jan Lelie wrote:

> I am emailing from Auckland, New Zealand. My interest in LO resulted from
> an article I wrote a few years ago linking dysfunction environments to
> repeated staff stress.
> Recently, my interest has shifted to Temp workers. It would seem that the
> organizations to which they are contracted, more often than not, segregate
> them from the system. Often temps are negatively perceived by
> organisations and treated as products not people. The Temp industry is
> booming yet little research has been directed to the changing needs of
> temps and their agencies.
> Mike Richards
> Auckland, NZ

Drs J.C. Lelie CPIM (Jan)
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