silent dialogue LO24936

From: Leo Minnigh (
Date: 06/21/00

replying (reflecting on) to LO24908 and others

Dear LO'ers,

What strange things happen. Dialoguing the dialogue, the begging of going
deeper in silence, the creation of noise, etc.

The dialogue between Ray Harrel and Andrew created an ether of poetic
music. It generated with me an atmosphere of deep feelings and a vague
idea of understanding the secrets of a dialogue.

Andrew wrote:

> Recent talk I hear here of the value of 'respectful silence' attached to
> dialogue but (somehow) I just hear here a 'disrespectful' silence from
> these whisper's. Otherwise I say share with me in public dialogue then the
> practiced benefits of your silence techniques and I will learn with you to
> deepen it or surface with you what it might contain. Let us see who
> responds with 'open' mind or heart to my begging for a master herein.

I am certainly not claiming to be a master. The following is certainly not
a masterpiece (since I tried to express my silent dialogues in a difficult
language that is not my mothertongue). In some way it is the result of
several activated sustainers of At. I hope that the nD space (n>3) of
dialogue becomes enlarged.


I had a silent dialogue
far behind my eyes
thoughts were talking with my thoughts
in unheard words
softer than breeze
travelling surprising ways
through my cerebral maze.

in an endless coloured ocean
of interfering waves
lies a lonesome island
grown from down below
by a peaceful trio
of dreamy volcano cones.
was it accident or serendipity?
this isle was visited
on an Eastern sunday
centuries ago
by a roaming Dutchman
searching for Terra Incognita

was it accident or serendipity?
a wandering thought
found a neuronic path
to unknown island in my mind

the Gods were staring silent
on the slopes of Eastern Island
and listen without a motion
to whispers of surrounding ocean.
they spoke words, so wise
not with lips, but with their eyes,
the answers came in waves.

secrets of a silent dialogue,
mysterious island in my mind.

dr. Leo D. Minnigh
Library Technical University Delft
PO BOX 98, 2600 MG Delft, The Netherlands
Tel.: 31 15 2782226
        Let your thoughts meander towards a sea of ideas.


Leo Minnigh <>

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