Another Look at the Model LO24942

From: Malcolm Burson (
Date: 06/22/00

Replying to LO24777 --

Back on June 5, John Zavacki wrote, in part

>I'd like to look at Senge's model again, for a short refresher.
>Less has been written about our spheres of influence.
>Organizational Learning, when, and if, it occurs, is the result of active
>learning, action learning, active teaching, action teaching, and passive
>resistance to resistance. The notion of passive resistance to resistance
>takes time. It is a matter of going on with your life as a positive force
>for change and making positive change until, finally, the resistors stop
>resisting and begin to understand

John, I find this (passive resistance to resistance) a powerful notion I'd
like to explore further. Can you say a little more about your thinking
and experience in this, perhaps by beginning a new thread with this as its
subject line? I suspect it will be much practical interest to people like
myself who applaud the notion, but find themselve perpetually tugged back
toward trying to fix those darned resistors / late adapters who keep
getting in the way of all the wonderful things we have in mind!

(further snip)

>An issue which sometimes bothers me is the assumption that the list itself
>is the subject matter. Are we a learning organization, a community of
>practice? Is this a forum for self-analysis? What are our expectations
>of this forum? Where are we in the learning cycle? We don't use the
>tools here, the left hand column, the ladder of inference, the learning
>cycle check, all of the things which seem "intellectualy trivial" but
>which are the essence of double loop learning.

Here's another possibility for a renewed thread. I and others have raised
it before, but it frequently seems to die out quickly. Let's try again:

Assumption: the LO list is, in part, its own subject matter. That is, we
should be applying the tools and practices of a learning
organization/community of practice to our continuing conversation.

Observation: as with John, we seem unable/reluctant to do so.

Hypothesis #1: there is something about our exchange/conversation here
which keeps us from utilizing the methods we are only too ready to apply
elsewhere, as consultants and practitioners.
Question: what is it?

Hypothesis #2: the answer to the above query is transferable to our other

John or Rick: if you'd like to separate my reply so that this second item
becomes a new thread, please give it a name and do so.

For me, our communal ability and willingness to respond to these
suggestions will be an interesting test of our resolve to renew the
quality of discourse here.

Or am I shooting in the dark?




"Malcolm Burson" <>

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