Replying to LO24942 --
Malcolm has asked me to talk a bit more on this topic, so I shall.
I am sitting not far from the ocean in Southern California, far from my
family, working in business unit other than my own, helping their Champion
to diagnose the strategic and operating plans and agendas for additional
value. It is our first attempt at doing this. The local Champion, living
in the culture, has doubts about our ability to make lasting change. I do
not. It is not my culture, but it is not very different than mine was
three years ago. The people are, as people are, open and honest. That,
in itself, will help us to build trust, and with trust, comes learning.
We've received a few "I'll believe it when I see it" comments, and a few,
"we've been working on that, don't waste your time" comments. In both
cases, it's a matter of passively resisting the resistance by being
quietly supportive of their current efforts, while working hard to
understand them and to pass on our experience and learning as an adjunct
to their own. Supplant nothing, supplement it.
Leadership, for me, is the ability to teach without lecturing, the ability
to pass on practice through practice. By example.
There's not much more to it. The only complexity is in the eye of the
beholder. As I said in 1996 (thank you, Andrew):
>I agree that the concept may be lost (for some time) on a large segment
>of the population. But just as education in the main has "rubbed off" on
>"the masses" over time and raised the collective consciousness by a jot,
>so too the learning organization may effect its upstream and downstream
>neighbours. To take the reduction further into absurdity (which is,
>afterall, the spice of life), very few inhabitants on this planet
>understand the concept of relativity, yet.....
Nor do they care to understand it, nor complexity, nor entropy, and yet
the live, and love, and learn, daily.
John Zavacki
It's all relative.....
--"systhinc" <>
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