Replying to LO24955 --
Dear Sue Starr,
~~ " All things bright and beautiful, ... -"
(Favourite hymn as a kid)
> "And then what?"
> I smile at him and off we go
> Exploring all the wonders of the world
Snowflake minds.
Dendritic growth.
Take the molten then
Frontal solidifying
Growing into flow
Munching molecule
Like, want and need speedier
But limits to growth
Natural braking mechanism
Energy decrease
Heart heat diffusion
Instability comes to play
Asking, how fast can you
Run away?
Complex involvement
Simple resolution
"Bump" speeding
Unique signalling
Maybe a question
Who knows?
Now some wilder thing
Branched upon branches
Repeat ten trillion times a billion
crystal < flake < snow < Yukon < clearmind
Crystal impress
Moving impasse
Vision preceding all metaphor
World in a snow flake's learning
Thank you for sharing the vision.
Andrew Campbell
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