Our LO Dialogue Here LO24953 [complex]

From: ACampnona@aol.com
Date: 06/22/00

Replying to LO24944 --

Dear At and dear Lana,

>Andrew Campbell has been particularly struck by the phrase
>one-to-many-mapping. Andrew, is Lana not pleading here a

Yes;-) I think so!

I responded on a positive note to Lana's earlier posting about six weeks ago?
I sensed a deep authentic personality of understanding. Where At you say and
I paraphrase, you sense everyone "-wants to learn authentically." I want to
expand that and give it to Lana who I feel senses deeply that everyone,
"-wants to live authentically." By which I understand may just be a
'complementary' of your statement not an inflation of it. Anyway, I wanted to
express myself that way by saying that because it enables me to map as 'one'
to an even more 'many'. Soul to souls;-)

I sense very powerfully that people are 'emerging' here with a more expansive
inter-est. I sense Lana is one such personality.
Ray asked me in his way, so I took him anyway to ask me, roundly, What is
your purpose here? I have many answers for that, but none is better than that
I came here to be born. Mmmm. Simply to be born. I am growing exponentially.
I think Lana might do the same, but that is for her to decide. There is a
purity I like that sometimes runs through this valley. Like the fish, I enjoy
the new perfumes.

Maturana says we live in languaging, this place 'languages' and it takes many
contents and forms. Speaking of the rift apparent to him between the artists
and society and abstract and representational art in the 60's Carl Jung spoke
eloquently, " -A form that can reconcile man with his word is 'an art of
communion', by which man, at any moment can recognise his own unformed
countenance in the world." - his biographer offers the insight that, "- what
in fact artists have at heart is a conscious reunion of their own inward
reality with the reality of the world of nature; or, in the last resort, a
new union of body and soul, matter and spirit, that is their way to the
'reconquest of their weight as human beings.'

I happen to think that some of the most brilliant artists, Duchamp, Joseph
Beuys, Paul Klee, and of course the many poets and writers are perfect
exemplars of 'change strategies'. They just happen to be about eighty years
ahead in their thinking! Much contemporary systems articulators from MIT and
elsewhere are to my mind and as someone adroitly pointed out some time ago
regurgitating under contemporary need and want 'terms of expression'
archetypes that were long ago seen and intuited by poets and artists. Even
the great Freud a true and lasting master architect of human behaviour
patterning said that where-ever he turned up new work, there the artist has
been there before him. But at, I am teaching grandpa to suck eggs. My
tradition and disciplines already taught me all I need to prepare the 'coming

Here my master Ludwig speaks to you all, "Here the term *language game* is
meant to bring into prominence the fact that the speaking of language is part
of an activity, or a form of life. Review the multiplicity of language games
in the following examples and in others; Giving orders, and obeying them -
Describing the appearance of an object, or giving its measurements -
constructing an object from a description (a drawing) -- .... Making up a
story; and reading it -- play acting, singing catches, guessing riddles.
-Making a joke and telling it -- Solving a problem of arithmetic --
Translating from one language into another -- Asking, thanking, cursing,
greeting, praying."

Nauman the American artist, " I think the point where language starts to
break down as a useful tool for communication is the same edge where poetry
and art occurs....If you only deal with what is known, you'll have
redundancy; on the other hand, of you only deal with the unknown, you cannot
communicate at all. there is always some combination of the two, and it is
how they touch each other that makes communication interesting."

NOW THAT, that is beautiful. "How they touch each other." The spark to the
flame. The water to the ink blot. The quiet undercurrent of questions that,
like leaves falling into my ditch or stream depending on the other's point of

Here At and Lana, let me my tiny learning caste a winged way back to a man
who had regard for the soul.

As our blood labours to beget
Spirits, as like soules it can,
Because such fingers need to knit
That subtile knot, which makes us man:
So must pure lovers soules descend
T'affections, and to faculties,
Which sense may reach and apprehend,
Else a great prince in prison lies.

John Donne, "The Extasie"

I like the "e" upon souls

In Lana I found the "reach" and in At the "apprehend" and in both a souled

Was that too complex?


Andrew Campbell



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