Six Sigma LO24964

From: C.W. Russ Russo (
Date: 06/24/00

Replying to LO24945 --

>One of my clients wants to pursue the path of Six Sigma. Any
>experiences or recommendations?

First, please recognize that Six Sigma is not a magic bullet. In fact,
there is little new, innovative or especially different here. However, it
is a very well-structured program based on:
        1.) strong management leadership;
        2.) a defined and disciplined process analysis and problem solving
        3.) focus on using statistical based quality tools;
        4.) fact based decision making;
        5.) customer driven (CTCs and CTQs -- Critical to Customer, Critical to
        6.) and, focused on financial results.

Wow, sounds great doesn't it? Just what we have been hearing about
"quality initiatives" since Lloyd Dobbins famous "If Japan Can, Why Can't
We" wake-up call. Failures and flavors of the month come and go, but a
strong financial management focus and basic q-strategies work. Does your
customer have the intestinal fortitude to be a world-class organization?

C.W. Russ Russo
Quality University On-Line


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