Six Sigma LO24980

From: Eugene Taurman (
Date: 06/26/00

Replying to LO24966 --

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Bill Braun wrote:

>one of my clients wants to pursue the path of Six Sigma. Any experiences
>or recommendations?

Bill ,

The six-sigma material is full of the right tools and the right
philosophy. Motorola pioneered the idea they attempted to meet Ford's
demands and follow Deming. It is the principles of Continual Improvement
wrapped in new clothes. But the ideas are still among the best, new
clothes or not.

A group of consultants are selling a six sigma change system and it will
work if managers take the time to understand and apply the ideas

I have been teaching a very similar course for over 12 years and it can
work. The biggest pitfall is management hiring someone to teach it and
then continuing to make decisions the same old way. Managers supervisors
and workers hear the ideas, like them, start to apply them and then see
higher level managers acting the same old way and making decisions the
same old way. This can make attitudes worse. Unless your client is willing
to work at understanding and applying the concepts at all levels then may
look like a fad and become a waste of money.

Ralph Stayer of Johnsonville Sausage put it very well during his struggle
to change himself and his company, "When I started to change culture and
develop new management methods I couldn't wait to finish; and get back to
my real job, "Then I realized, 'This is my real job'."

I have a slight preference for Lean Thinking but Six Sigma is fine and a
fairly complete philosophy. I of course prefer the interLinx approach but
they all work if top managers do it and understand it. My course takes
about 150 hours and one year for each group of trainees I believe Six
Sigma takes a comparable amount of time.

Tell your client it is a very powerful set of principles but it requires a
strong on going commitment to avoid it becoming the fad of the month

Eugene Taurman


"Eugene Taurman" <>

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